PM saves businesses and individuals time and money through a specially formulated and effective lubrication system.
PM Lubrication
A fraction of the friction

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How are PM lubricants made?
PM’s lubricants are produced from the highest quality base stock including virgin Group II hydrocracked, Group III, Group IV and Group V Synthetic base oil. Combine the relative base with the very highest quality viscosity index improvers and the latest additive technology by leading industry suppliers, along with state-of-the-art blending techniques, and lubrication happens. PM Lubrication does not use recycled oil in the production process.
What’s the difference between good lubricants and good lubrication?
- One regularly meets individuals who have been faced with very high maintenance costs, in some cases unexpected and usually uncalled for. On occasions these events can be traced back to poor lubrication.
- Making the Distinction. With little or no thought about lubrication, most of us are placed in a position of making lubrication decisions, which seem straightforward, however below the surface, can lead to problems that can have expensive consequences. Many, for example, are led into making decisions due to pressures imposed by slick advertising aimed at saving the consumer money. Preventative Maintenance Lubrication is active in highlighting the difference between value and price when making lubricant decisions.
- Good lubrication has to be learned and understood, initiated by a commitment to improving efficiency through performance. By its very nature good lubrication is proactive not reactive and certainly not passive.
- Due Diligence. Knowledge based lubrication carefully considers the type and quality of lubricants to suit the needs of the machinery making it more than a purchasing activity. PM Lubrication’s management strategy takes a holistic approach to lubrication. With this in mind, lubricants are considered not as consumables to be purchased at the lowest price but as an asset to be managed.
- Poor Lubrication. Unwanted breakdowns, costly repairs, unwanted downtime and costly production outcomes can cut deeply into operating profits.
Why shouldn’t I just purchase a conventional, cheap lubricant?
“The direct costs of lubrication are very small, at one to three per cent of a typical maintenance budget. However, the impact the quality of the products and the effectiveness of your lubrication program has on your maintenance and spare parts bills is very significant.
Lubrication represents a 1:40 investment rate. In other words, each $1,000 spent on proper lubrication yields savings of $40,000. This equals a 3,900 per cent return on investment.”
– The Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
Explain what XPR is?
The attributes of inbuilt extra protection reserve in PM’s lubricants.
- Highly refined base stocks
- Shear Stable and Heat Stable Viscosity Index Improvers
- Higher load and anti-wear packages
- Lower Co-efficient of Friction
How does filtration work with lubricants?
The use of premium quality lubricants has its rewards. The rewards can be fully realised with the inclusion of depth media filtration which in turn increases the performance and the life of the lubricant being cleaned and the componentry being protected. The results achieved by combining the two technologies demand a mention.
Life extensions three to four times that of conventional outcomes sees PM Lubrication fully endorse Filter Technology Queensland (FTQ) in the quest for lubrication excellence. PM Lubrication highly recommends consideration be given to adopting this technology.
Reporting energy, carbon emissions, and abatement is now a mainstream business obligation for many. This is only the first step for those wanting to reduce their carbon footprint and operating costs.
Combining the two technologies will reduce energy consumption and operating costs (which has already been covered with the lubricant alone), carbon emissions and liabilities through improved efficiencies and productivity.
FTQ depth media filtration can:
- Increase fuel economy
- Hydraulic Components Longevity by 150%
- Hydraulic oil life by 800%
- Engine oil life by 200%
Give me an example of how PM has saved operators money over time?
Did you know that the two biggest machinery operating costs are fuel at 37% of Total Operating Costs (TOC) and maintenance at 27% of TOC.
(The above percentages are the findings from a survey of 115 major US trucking fleets, representing hundreds of thousands of vehicles. Source: AFPM Paper, Houston, Texas. The figures were reconfirmed as still being accurate at the Future Directions Conference (Lubricants – Worldwide), an international conference in Sydney, Australia.)
Surprisingly the smallest operating cost is lubricants at just 1% of your Total Operating Costs. That’s right, fuel and maintenance costs 64 cents per dollar of your TOC, while lubricants only amount to 1 cent per dollar of your TOC.
However depending on the quality of the lubricants you use, it is well-proven that the quality of the 1% significantly increases or decreases your fuel and maintenance costs.
For 40 years, users of the PM Lubrication’s system have been reporting cost savings. On average they enjoy a 15% average reduction in TOC.
While the initial outlay for PM Lubrications lubricants is slightly more than the average 1%, to between 1-2%, the extra investment soon pays dividends.
Users experience a:
- 50% reduction and saving in maintenance costs
- An improvement in fuel economy. (Up to 10%)
This translates to:
- Maintenance: 13.5% of TOC – down from 27%
- Fuel: 33.3% of TOC – down from 37%
On average, fuel and maintenance costs drop from 64 cents per dollar of TOC down to 46.8 cents per dollar of TOC – a saving of 17.2 cents per dollar.
By investing in the PM Lubrication system which has the option of utilising by-pass filtration, used with periodic oil analysis, a 15% saving in Total Operating Costs is guaranteed!
That’s a saving of 15 cents per dollar of Total Operating Costs or $150 per $1,000. These savings are guaranteed when using PM Lubrication’s lubricant products in all compartments of the machine or vehicle.
What are the key benefits of by-pass filtration?
- Component Life: Reduces accelerated wear through wear particle removal. Component life extension throughout a machine can be calculated using the accepted “Component Life Extension Charts”, such as those prepared by Noria Corporation. To lean more about our Cleanliness Code click here.
- Oil Life Extension: Continuous onboard filtration results in oxidation by-products and other contaminants being removed which reduces the demand on oil additives and thus significantly extends their life. The multiplier effect is quickly enacted with this filtration which opens the way to condition monitoring of lubricants which in turn generates substantial savings.
- Fuel System Life: Super clean fuel ensures systems operate at their optimum. Smooth trouble-free operation just happens, even involving fuel injector systems with tolerances as low as 2 micron.
- Lowers Fuel Consumption: Cleaner fuel produces a better detonation on the compression stroke, and a cleaner, more complete burn results. Increased efficiency, less fuel consumption, less blow-by means cleaner oil.
- Reduce Environmental Impact: Lowering fuel consumption has a direct impact on lowering the CO2 and CO and other emissions.
- Proven Return on Investment: A multiplier effect of ongoing and measurable cost savings results from extended oil life, reduced fuel consumption, extended service intervals, less downtime and greatly increased service life. Collection of performance history can give an accurate estimate on the ROI of such an investment. Payback periods on filtration generally range from 3 months to 2 years providing exceptional value and many years of cost saving for a one off investment.